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A gentle and confident highlander.
Tomatin makes Single Malt Whisky from the Scottish Highlands, but as they say, they have a "soft side". Tomatin puts a lot of effort into making whisky that is accessible in terms of flavour. They make a virtue of the fact that you don't have to be a whisky geek or a rugged Highlander to enjoy Tomatin.
This accessibility is reflected in Tomatin's recommendations when it comes to serving suggestions. They point out that there is no one correct way to enjoy a great single malt, but that you need to find the serving that is your favourite.
So you can enjoy Tomatin neat, on the rocks, with a touch of water... or why not in a cocktail?
No flavour judgement from Tomatin, because they know that their whisky will perform well no matter what. That kind of confidence must come from being a true Highlander!