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Whisky specialist with a wide selection

As whisky is one of our specialities within spirits, we at Walter's have a wide selection of single malt whiskies, consisting of around 100 varieties and many different bottlings.

The different houses range from:

  • Ireland
  • India
  • Sweden
  • USA

In addition, we specialise in Ardberg whisky.

We always have a bottle of whisky open, so you are welcome to drop by for a tasting.

By the way, did you know that...

During the ageing of the whisky, liquid - including alcohol - seeps out through the pores in the wooden casks. This portion, up to 1 1/2 - 2 1/2% annually, is known as the angel's share. The term originated in the French cognac and armagnac districts, from where it has spread to the whisky producing areas


A gentle and confident highlander.

Tomatin makes Single Malt Whisky from the Scottish Highlands, but as they say, they have a "soft side". Tomatin puts a lot of effort into making whisky that is accessible in terms of flavour. They make a virtue of the fact that you don't have to be a whisky geek or a rugged Highlander to enjoy Tomatin.

This accessibility is reflected in Tomatin's recommendations when it comes to serving suggestions. They point out that there is no one correct way to enjoy a great single malt, but that you need to find the serving that is your favourite.

So you can enjoy Tomatin neat, on the rocks, with a touch of water... or why not in a cocktail?

No flavour judgement from Tomatin, because they know that their whisky will perform well no matter what. That kind of confidence must come from being a true Highlander!


Speyside Single Malt Whisky

BenRiach is Speyside single malt whisky from the banks of the River Spey in the north-east of Scotland.

Historic Whisky

This is a whisky whose history is closely linked to the history of whisky in Scotland. After it was founded in 1898, the BenRiach distillery only managed to produce whisky for two years before an economic crisis in the whisky trade, the so-called Pattinson Crash, forced many whisky distilleries to close

A new old distillery

For many years, Ben Riach functioned as a malt factory for the neighbouring distillery, something we here in Ebeltoft can relate to, until whisky production was resumed in 1965, when Scotch whisky had enjoyed a renaissance. However, Ben Riach only started making whisky under its own name after the distillery was bought by an independent consortium in 2004. If you think Ben Riach is a relatively new name on the market, this is the explanation. However, there is over a hundred years of history and savoir-faire behind BenRiach Single Malt.

BenRiach still produces its own barley malt today, some of which is made using the old-fashioned method of heating and drying the malt using the heat of peat firewood, which gives a distinctive smoky flavour to the peated malt whisky.

At Walter's, we have both peated and non-peated whiskies from Ben Riach.


For purchases over 499 DKK


2-3 business days