Welcome to the world of wine!
At Walter, we go the extra mile to find the wine you're looking for - for yourself or for the person you want to give it to. We have wines from most places in the world, both all the traditional places and from exotic places like Mexico, Ecuador and Denmark.
With more than 700 varieties of wine in stock, we have a wide selection to satisfy even the most discerning palate. Shelf space is limited, because we have created a space for both bestsellers and very special wines.
We have put together our large wine selection ourselves, and each purchase has a story. Some wines we import ourselves, others we buy in collaboration with major wine chains in Denmark: We stop at nothing when we want a wine on our shelves.
The selection is wide in both flavour and price level and includes strong brands such as: Dog Point, Zenato, L.A.Cetto, Veen Wouden, Jasper Hill, Errazuriz, Kopke, Nigl, Petrus
The history of wine
189 million litres of wine! That's how much was drunk in 2010 in Denmark alone. Those that came from Hos Walter were certainly of exquisite quality and carefully selected.
At Walter we are happy to advise you when buying wine. Each wine has its own story, but they all have common roots that are as old as mankind. Here's the story in ultra-short form - so you can show off a little next time you're drinking wine in good company...
The wild vine and the first winemakers. The vine as a wild plant has existed before mankind, and it is believed that grapes were already used to make wine in the Neolithic Age. Archaeological findings have shown that wine was produced in quantities that suggest it was a commodity even back then. Specialists in Stone Age botany have even determined that the grapes were of the same species as those used to make some of today's best wines.
Wine takes over the world.
The first to cultivate vines on a large scale were the Egyptians and Phoenicians around 3000 BCE, although there are earlier finds from Georgia. A thousand years later, the Greeks brought viticulture to Europe, producing white, red and rosé wines. When the Romans began introducing winemaking to all their conquered provinces, the production (and consumption) of wine really took off. Viticulture was common wherever the climate allowed all the way up to the Middle Ages, including Britain. In ancient Greece and Rome, it had been customary to mix wine with water and spices, whereas the Gauls (in present-day France, among others) drank wine neat.
Since then, wine has triumphed throughout the world and wine production will probably continue throughout human history.
Did you know? Wine turns red when the skins ferment with the juice, whereas white wine is pure grape juice that has been fermented. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, the most common wine was white or very light-coloured wine, although the technique behind the more costly production of red wine was known very early on.
Read much more about the different types of wine, how to drink them and with which types of food by clicking on the menu below.